Friday 2 September 2011

Developing Advert Campaign & Planning for Pitch.

My energy drink will appeal to those between the ages of 16 to 21 and will do so by the advertising methods consisting of simple, yet relevant ideas when concerning the interests of my fanbase, Such as having subtle skateboarding in the background throughout the televised advert, or even something as simple as strolling through town going about the day. It will share in common small details about the days of the target audiences lives and as such, will relate to them and cause them to think of the drink when going about something the advert will cover as a topic. In order to appeal to the fanbase, you must first relate and identify what they are after and plant seeds in the seemingly mundane yet necessary moments of the customers day and how it will prove helpful. My advert will be in black and white, whilst maintaing a very vintage feel, with the drink being hailed as a new, futuristic, efficient and better idea, and the advert will then portray, to a slightly exaggerated degree, the various capabilities that drinking the drink will enhance, and show audiences why it will help in the day. My intention is to portray the drink as a simple but intelligent solution to lifes obstacles and to market is as an upmarket, upper class drink by the design somewhat bearing a royal, grand look, but not going overboard with insignias, more of a massly available all loving problem solver.

This is the first draft of my 'Billionaire' design, I like its simplicity and the autumn leaves and sunlight behind the lettering, it is the drinks of way of portraying itself as bringing a whole new feeling to the term; energy. In light of this, my slogan; 'Infinite Energy' will be written underneath in small font.

My typical audience profile would be a male interesting in a wide range of things from skateboarding, graphic design to simple cycling or going to work. Preferably an 18 year old entrepreneurial type who likes to socialise aswell as get work done. The target audience will typically fall under this category with a few minor differences and this target characteristic alone paves the way for a succesful drink as they are do not go out in town much, They are more daytime people, who get things done with no time wasted and no social tethers encouraging them otherwise, the individual who recognises his/her own spark and will stop at nothing to pursue their dreams.

My advert will be in black and white, with a scratched, seemingly old look. Featuring skateboarders in the background of an individual waiting to make his moment, holding the can briefly before placing the branding in plain sight, with the black and white turning into colour once consumed, and the footage becoming clearer and sharper at a fast rate, they then go and do exactly what they wanted to, with no mental or social boundaries holding their daring creativity in place. The skateboarding in the background will not be the main focus of the advert like much others would, but on the individual in the moments leading up to their time to shine. The skateboarders will be out of focus from the depth of field the individual will be placed in. This advert will appeal to the target audience as it is not restricting the drink to skaters, but on individuals who are striving to do things they never usually would, not in an extreme energy sense, but a self fulfilling and achieving sense within realistic boundaries.

The advert will begin with an individual in the skatepark, an individual around 17,18. male or female. They are sitting down, with their back to the skating activity going on behind them, with the skaters blurred out of the black and white setting, but still within sight. The individual will be holding a can of 'Billionaire' which will be made obvious with a direct camera shot on the can. the individual will then turn around to look at the skaters in a nervous way, this will all be happening very fast due to time restrictions of the advert. They will then turn back to the drink, open it and after the first sip, the black and white will turn to sharp colour, and the skaters behind them becoming in focus as the individual turns around with his/her skateboard and begins to skate enthusiastically. The advert will then suddenly cut to a plain white backdrop with the 'Billionaire' logo gradually graining into focus before the advert drawing to a close. Keeping the concept simple but ideological in the sense of Billionaire not necessarily meaning money, but of spirit and passion. This will sit well with the intended fan base as not all people need money in order to feel like billionaires, it is a state of mind.

There will be ominous instrumental music starting quiet and repetitive as more of a background mood setting, turning into a full on orchestra after the first sip, building up the advert into a huge finale whilst also portraying the differences in emotions and feelings. There will be quick but not sharply quick cuts, more of simplistic and due timed set of cuts, maintaing attention without throwing viewers attentions all over the place, the only narrative will be of a basic nature featuring someone searching for confidence or an esteem and physical boost and then getting it and maintaining it. The character will not look too unique and different as this portrays obvious differences between viewers and the character, they have to be of an 'average joe' nature in order for viewers to relate.

Primary Research 2

In order to better understand and cater to the market I am aiming for, I compiled a group of friends for their opinions on branding and logo ideas.

Question 1 - What style of branding do you feel strikes you?

Answer 1 - I like branding that is bold, and grabs your attention, bright colours.
Answer 2 - I like the logo to stand out, and look like more of a good quality energy drink.
Answer 3 - The logo should be iconic but not try too hard with colour use.

This makes me feel as though my logo should have an iconic name, make subtle use of colour but have a small twist. I've decided upon the name; Billionaire. The design of the can will be all white, with Billionaire written fairly small in a dark grey and circular, rounded edged font.

Question 2 - What flavours do you like to have in your drinks?

Answer 1 - I like a tropical taste, a mix of everything
Answer 2 - I like to have a hint of something, a taste that stays
Answer 3 - The taste shouldn't be overwhelming, but should be a nice mix

This helped me decide that the drink should have a fairly ranged blend but not come on too strong or too weak, with the correct blend of specific and different fruits and berries, the taste can be altered to be subtle yet stand its ground in individuality.

Question 3 - What sort of advertisement do you feel grabs your attention?

Answer 1 - Loud noises, with a lot of activity going on.
Answer 2 - I like a simple advert, that tells you the basics and lets the product sell itself.
Answer 3 - The advert should be kind of exaggerated, stay true to energy drink adverts.

These answers were varied but I came to a conclusion of a simple advert but still with stuff going on in the background, the difference being the background activity won't maintain the adverts focus as much as the main subject and the drink. I am thinking perhaps black and white with a somewhat old feel to it, but the drink itself looking very futuristic, providing a connotation of being something fresh and new to an old market, aswell as hold attention when viewers notice the black and white, something not often done in energy drink adverts.

Text Analysis
I analysed a few texts based upon energy drinks in order to better understand other products of the same nature and what they are doing to stand out in the market.

The above link leads to a short but informative text on the very popular new energy drink named 'Pussy', this drink is made and distributed in the UK but has a huge fanbase in America where they order it in bulk from the web for $46 for a 24-pack of the energy drink. It has hit the London club scene ground running and maintains its fan base by being a new and refreshing blend of ingredients and design aswell as having a bold name. The drink sells itself on being all natural which is always portrayed as a positive thing due to the large amounts of processed and unhealthy ingredients being mass shoveled into the majority of todays energy drinks. It has developed a classy fan base of its own due to its very nature, providing a sharp and outstanding alternative to the somewhat mundane marketplace. I have drawn from the text that my drink needs to be able to be spoken about and requested with ease in clubs aswell as shops, and it needs to be of a very different and uplifting nature when compared to any competition in order to stand its ground and hold a chance.

The above link is a very detailed review on Monster Energys new 'Rehab' range. This range of the popular energy drink has done very well as it boasts itself as a carbonated hydrating drink but without all the colourings and other ingredients thrown in, making it somewhat of a lemonde/tea type of flavouring, a blend of which is sure to attract a huge fanbase due to its uniqueness and daring in trying out new things, something the customer will feel to do once they have drunk it due to the subconcsious lesson of being outgoing takes place in their mind due to its marketing and boldness to do so. I have learned that not all energy drinks necessarily need to go to the extend of 'glowing green' but do need to have a strong and dignified difference that backs its own corner against competitors. It has made me consider a new range of ideas for the flavour of my drink, as opposed to being mixed with strong and sharp fruits and berries, it could just as easily have a simple but refreshing taste and feel with the majority of the drink being carbonated with a mere hint of a distinguished and hugely appreciated flavour.

Primary Research 1

Monster Energy Drink Advert
This advert portrays Monster Energy as a huge atmospheric thrill ride with the quick cuts in its editing aswell as the cinematic, orchestral and intense choice of music and sound effects. The appearance of the huge 'MONSTER ARMY' makes viewers feel as though drinking the drink will make them part of a huge, boosted energy having collective and are all achieving one goal; to do your best. It is very effective in gripping attention despite the simplicity of the advert showing the can for nearly the entire time with loud thunder cracks and harsh weather sounds, as though life is a hard storm and you will need a boost, and Monster is the saviour. Despite featuring no direct narrative, the advert maintains attention purely through the use of imagery and sound, which matches the iconic drink very well due to its loud branding and physical boosting effects. They have aimed their ad well at those who are immediately grabbed by loud noises and as such will feel they need this drink in order to live on overdrive and attempt to match their lives with the intensity of the advert.

I feel this advert does very well in holding attention and ensuring focus on the product by having the can standing in shadow with lightning strikes illuminating the iconic 'M'. It is very effective as it loudly demands attention and bombards viewers with Monster Energy imagery building up suspense to a huge curtain closing image of Monster Army. It leaves viewers somewhat surprised at such loud advertising techniques whilst also making them wonder what the 'Monster Army' is, perhaps leading to them searching for it whilst all the while keeping Monster Energy in their thought pattern. A succesful advert.

Vemma Verve Energy Drink Avert
This advert does well in proclaiming its positive differences between the other energy drinks on the market by explaining what other 'regular energy drinks do' and how their way of doing it is much better for you and still provides the energy you need. This is more suitable for the fan base more concerned about their health and well being alongside the negative effects of the other mainstream energy drinks. The advert mentions its ingredients and explains that this drink is full of anti-oxidants and vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals where as the other drinks are all bad news. They have natural, earthly backdrops and  large orange font, all contributing towards evoking positivity and happiness within the viewer, placing them at ease about what their next energy drink will be. The narration is done by a soft voiced individual explaining that life moves very fast, and that it can sometimes be too much for us right before portraying the solution to all of this aswell as the healthier outcome of the work their scientists were portrayed to be doing.

This advert is a succesful advert in appealing to its intended market of older, maturer individuals by simply having different and more sophisticated content in their advertising and marketing, ensuring no age group is left out of the energy drink boom in the past recent years, and acts as a stepping stone towards producing popular energy drinks with greatly reduced negative tolls on the well being of its customers. It puts to use delicated imagery as well as provide smoothly cut cinematic techniques without being portrayed as a huge rush, they take the time to explain the product before placing it before viewers and the narration is so 'heart on my sleeve' like that it never lacks consistency in its trustworthiness in the company bodies character.

Energy Drinks

Secondary Research
The energy drink market has a huge and diverse range of customers, Whether the customers purchase is made for an upcoming exam, or an upcoming meeting, they all rely on the boost they feel they need to get things done in their day. Energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull and Rockstar have marketed their way into the everyday lives of young people through techniques such as sponsoring clothes made for them such as DC and Fox clothing, Doing collaborations with them in limited edition energy drink brand designs, With these being shown everywhere from skateboarding events to motorcross sports and tournaments. People of all ages consume energy drinks regularly and develop a taste for it, Going through crashes after coming down from the caffeine and feeling as though they need more and are therefore creating and maintaining a pattern. Not all customers are as extreme in that sense, but consume them on ocassion if they haven't had much sleep and are up for a busy day and need the extra kick. The demographical preference of energry drinks as a whole is hugely varied with customer patterns falling under numerous social characterisitics such as employed, unemployed, lower to upper class and male and female diffierentations. The main targets of the the dominant energy drinks such as Red Bull in the market are made obvious through the way their drink has been marketed, as mentioned earlier with clothing label collaborations and the sponsoring of popular sporting events. They are aiming for competers, those who feel up against the ropes and need a helping hand to bounce back with whatever they are doing that day. These generally reside between the ages of 16 to 25 year olds as they are the typical age likely to maintain the majority of interest in the sponsored events as well as the branded clothing labels as they often share ties in the same events.

Monster Energy has held stable footing within the skateboarding fan base since its beginning by sponsoring professional skateboarders such as Chris Cole aswell as ensure appearances in popular skateboarding games such as the Skate series. They have a website available for fans of numerous sports to upload videos of themselves performing stunts as a way of competing for Monster Energy sponsorship. >>>/

Red Bull has been hugely consumed as a regular part of night life for adults between 18 to 30 regularly mixing it with spirits like vodka as a way of toning down the strength of the drinks taste aswell as provide energy to ensure they won't get tired throughout the night. Clubs offer deals on these combinations on student nights so these prove naturally very popular and offer high doses of alcohol aswell as sugar.
Alongside the popular slogan; "It gives you wings" Red Bull have put to use a popular series of animated adverts about a character that feels he recquires wings to get over an obstacle, hinting a connotation that the drink will provide that for you and no task will remain difficult, but done in such a subtle manner that appeals to a maturer audience in the sense of not being so extremely marketed for sports, but for everyday life for things that aren't necessarily physically demanding, making the drink seem more casual to audiences.

The popular Relentless energy drinks packaging features sharply artistic and classic poems such as "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" By Lord Byron

"But I have lived, and have not lived in vain;
My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire;
And my frame perish even in conquering pain;
But there is that within me which shall tire
Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire;
Something unearthly, which they deem not of,
Like the remember'd tone of a mute lyre,
Shall on their soften'd spirits sink, and move
In hearts all rocky now the late remorse of love"

This is just one of the poems the can features that maintains a very vague yet unintentional relation between the energy drinks boosts and the words said in the poem, maintaining a sense of excitement and passion within the dedicated customers. Relentless have spared no time in sponsoring a huge range of physically challenging events and sports and have not hesitated to stamp their name on the competers clothing as a way of sponsorship and advertising. They aim to attract athletes and those who strive to come out on top in their advertising and marketing, making people believe they need that in order to win, or a reverse role, they drink that if they are winning, As a way of an esteem boost.
They have a site listing the events they sponsor featuring many names and an extended range of sporting events. >>>

There are many techniques put to use in the marketing of energy drinks, they often feature bright, vivid colours that resemble standing out, Like Rockstar simply being named so. And remaining sharp, aswell as feature branding that is somewhat animalistic, like Monster Energy featuring a huge M that looks as though it has been scratched on to the can by a large claw. The succesful ones that have been adopted by the masses copyright these techniques and colours to ensure their brand is recognised and stands out from competition. There is a huge range of somewhat novelty energy drinks with designs based upon popular movie fiction featured in the photograph above. There is also a Pac-Man branded energy drink pictured, something the lesser known energy drink brands have to put to use in order to attract a fanbase away from the bright and recognised designs of the others. Supermarkets even offer their own brand of energy drink for very cheap, as little as £1 a bottle, and feature no colourful branding or effort in their packaging, due to the supermarkets already hugely established name, such as Tesco's 'Kick' energy drink.

Tuesday 5 October 2010