Friday 2 September 2011

Energy Drinks

Secondary Research
The energy drink market has a huge and diverse range of customers, Whether the customers purchase is made for an upcoming exam, or an upcoming meeting, they all rely on the boost they feel they need to get things done in their day. Energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull and Rockstar have marketed their way into the everyday lives of young people through techniques such as sponsoring clothes made for them such as DC and Fox clothing, Doing collaborations with them in limited edition energy drink brand designs, With these being shown everywhere from skateboarding events to motorcross sports and tournaments. People of all ages consume energy drinks regularly and develop a taste for it, Going through crashes after coming down from the caffeine and feeling as though they need more and are therefore creating and maintaining a pattern. Not all customers are as extreme in that sense, but consume them on ocassion if they haven't had much sleep and are up for a busy day and need the extra kick. The demographical preference of energry drinks as a whole is hugely varied with customer patterns falling under numerous social characterisitics such as employed, unemployed, lower to upper class and male and female diffierentations. The main targets of the the dominant energy drinks such as Red Bull in the market are made obvious through the way their drink has been marketed, as mentioned earlier with clothing label collaborations and the sponsoring of popular sporting events. They are aiming for competers, those who feel up against the ropes and need a helping hand to bounce back with whatever they are doing that day. These generally reside between the ages of 16 to 25 year olds as they are the typical age likely to maintain the majority of interest in the sponsored events as well as the branded clothing labels as they often share ties in the same events.

Monster Energy has held stable footing within the skateboarding fan base since its beginning by sponsoring professional skateboarders such as Chris Cole aswell as ensure appearances in popular skateboarding games such as the Skate series. They have a website available for fans of numerous sports to upload videos of themselves performing stunts as a way of competing for Monster Energy sponsorship. >>>/

Red Bull has been hugely consumed as a regular part of night life for adults between 18 to 30 regularly mixing it with spirits like vodka as a way of toning down the strength of the drinks taste aswell as provide energy to ensure they won't get tired throughout the night. Clubs offer deals on these combinations on student nights so these prove naturally very popular and offer high doses of alcohol aswell as sugar.
Alongside the popular slogan; "It gives you wings" Red Bull have put to use a popular series of animated adverts about a character that feels he recquires wings to get over an obstacle, hinting a connotation that the drink will provide that for you and no task will remain difficult, but done in such a subtle manner that appeals to a maturer audience in the sense of not being so extremely marketed for sports, but for everyday life for things that aren't necessarily physically demanding, making the drink seem more casual to audiences.

The popular Relentless energy drinks packaging features sharply artistic and classic poems such as "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" By Lord Byron

"But I have lived, and have not lived in vain;
My mind may lose its force, my blood its fire;
And my frame perish even in conquering pain;
But there is that within me which shall tire
Torture and Time, and breathe when I expire;
Something unearthly, which they deem not of,
Like the remember'd tone of a mute lyre,
Shall on their soften'd spirits sink, and move
In hearts all rocky now the late remorse of love"

This is just one of the poems the can features that maintains a very vague yet unintentional relation between the energy drinks boosts and the words said in the poem, maintaining a sense of excitement and passion within the dedicated customers. Relentless have spared no time in sponsoring a huge range of physically challenging events and sports and have not hesitated to stamp their name on the competers clothing as a way of sponsorship and advertising. They aim to attract athletes and those who strive to come out on top in their advertising and marketing, making people believe they need that in order to win, or a reverse role, they drink that if they are winning, As a way of an esteem boost.
They have a site listing the events they sponsor featuring many names and an extended range of sporting events. >>>

There are many techniques put to use in the marketing of energy drinks, they often feature bright, vivid colours that resemble standing out, Like Rockstar simply being named so. And remaining sharp, aswell as feature branding that is somewhat animalistic, like Monster Energy featuring a huge M that looks as though it has been scratched on to the can by a large claw. The succesful ones that have been adopted by the masses copyright these techniques and colours to ensure their brand is recognised and stands out from competition. There is a huge range of somewhat novelty energy drinks with designs based upon popular movie fiction featured in the photograph above. There is also a Pac-Man branded energy drink pictured, something the lesser known energy drink brands have to put to use in order to attract a fanbase away from the bright and recognised designs of the others. Supermarkets even offer their own brand of energy drink for very cheap, as little as £1 a bottle, and feature no colourful branding or effort in their packaging, due to the supermarkets already hugely established name, such as Tesco's 'Kick' energy drink.

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