Friday 2 September 2011

Primary Research 1

Monster Energy Drink Advert
This advert portrays Monster Energy as a huge atmospheric thrill ride with the quick cuts in its editing aswell as the cinematic, orchestral and intense choice of music and sound effects. The appearance of the huge 'MONSTER ARMY' makes viewers feel as though drinking the drink will make them part of a huge, boosted energy having collective and are all achieving one goal; to do your best. It is very effective in gripping attention despite the simplicity of the advert showing the can for nearly the entire time with loud thunder cracks and harsh weather sounds, as though life is a hard storm and you will need a boost, and Monster is the saviour. Despite featuring no direct narrative, the advert maintains attention purely through the use of imagery and sound, which matches the iconic drink very well due to its loud branding and physical boosting effects. They have aimed their ad well at those who are immediately grabbed by loud noises and as such will feel they need this drink in order to live on overdrive and attempt to match their lives with the intensity of the advert.

I feel this advert does very well in holding attention and ensuring focus on the product by having the can standing in shadow with lightning strikes illuminating the iconic 'M'. It is very effective as it loudly demands attention and bombards viewers with Monster Energy imagery building up suspense to a huge curtain closing image of Monster Army. It leaves viewers somewhat surprised at such loud advertising techniques whilst also making them wonder what the 'Monster Army' is, perhaps leading to them searching for it whilst all the while keeping Monster Energy in their thought pattern. A succesful advert.

Vemma Verve Energy Drink Avert
This advert does well in proclaiming its positive differences between the other energy drinks on the market by explaining what other 'regular energy drinks do' and how their way of doing it is much better for you and still provides the energy you need. This is more suitable for the fan base more concerned about their health and well being alongside the negative effects of the other mainstream energy drinks. The advert mentions its ingredients and explains that this drink is full of anti-oxidants and vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals where as the other drinks are all bad news. They have natural, earthly backdrops and  large orange font, all contributing towards evoking positivity and happiness within the viewer, placing them at ease about what their next energy drink will be. The narration is done by a soft voiced individual explaining that life moves very fast, and that it can sometimes be too much for us right before portraying the solution to all of this aswell as the healthier outcome of the work their scientists were portrayed to be doing.

This advert is a succesful advert in appealing to its intended market of older, maturer individuals by simply having different and more sophisticated content in their advertising and marketing, ensuring no age group is left out of the energy drink boom in the past recent years, and acts as a stepping stone towards producing popular energy drinks with greatly reduced negative tolls on the well being of its customers. It puts to use delicated imagery as well as provide smoothly cut cinematic techniques without being portrayed as a huge rush, they take the time to explain the product before placing it before viewers and the narration is so 'heart on my sleeve' like that it never lacks consistency in its trustworthiness in the company bodies character.

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